[notification-center] # Margin at the top of the notification center in pixels. This can be # used to avoid overlap between the notification center and bars such # as polybar or i3blocks. marginTop = 0 # Margin at the bottom of the notification center in pixels. marginBottom = 0 # Margin to the right of the notification center in pixels. marginRight = 0 # Width of the notification center in pixels. width = 500 # Monitor on which the notification center will be printed. monitor = 0 # If true, the notification center will open on the screen, on which the # mouse is followMouse = false # (Optional) Command to run at startup. This can be used to setup # button states. # startupCommand = "deadd-notification-center-startup" # If newFirst is set to true, newest notifications appear on the top # of the notification center. Else, notifications stack, from top to # bottom. newFirst = true # If true, the transient field in notifications will be ignored and # the notification will be persisted in the notifiction center anyways ignoreTransient = false # If true, markup (, , , , ) will be displayed properly useMarkup = true # If set to true, the parameter noClosedMsg can be set on # notifications. If noClosedMsg is set to true on a notification, # DBUS NotificationClosed messages will not be send for this # notification. configSendNotiClosedDbusMessage = false # If set to true: If no icon is passed by the app_icon parameter # and no application "desktop-entry"-hint is present, the notification # center will try to guess the icon from the application name (if present). # Default is true. guessIconFromAppname = true # See section "Notification based scripting" for an explenation #match = "title=Abc;body=abc":"app=notify-send" #modify = "transient=false" #run = "":"killall notify-send" [notification-center-notification-popup] # Default timeout used for notifications in milli-seconds. This can # be overwritten with the "-t" option (or "--expire-time") of the # notify-send command. notiDefaultTimeout = 5000 # Margin above notifications (in pixels). This can be used to avoid # overlap between notifications and a bar such as polybar or i3blocks. distanceTop = 50 # Margin on the right of the notification (in pixels). distanceRight = 50 # Vertical distance between 2 notifications (in pixels). distanceBetween = 20 # Width of the notifications. width = 300 # Monitor on which the notification will be printed. monitor = 0 # If true, the notifications will open on the screen, on which the # mouse is followMouse = false # The display size of the application icons in the notification # pop-ups and in the notification center iconSize = 20 # The maximal display size of images that are part of notifications # for notification pop-ups and in the notification center maxImageSize = 100 [colors] # Note about colors: Colors can be represented in (at least, I mean, # who knows...) three different ways: # 1. #RGB with "R", "G" and "B" hexadecimal numbers (0-9, A-F or # a-f). # 2. #RRGGBB with each occurence of "R", "G" and "B" are hexadecimal # numbers (0-9, A-F or a-f). # 3. rgba(R, G, B, A) where "R", "G" and "B" are between 0 and 255 # and A is a floating point number between 0 and 1 representing # the alpha channel (transparency). # Background color for the notification center. background = rgba(29, 27, 20, 0.6) # Background color for the notification popups. notiBackground = rgba(9, 0, 0, 0.5) # Color for the text (summary, body and application name) in # notification popups. notiColor = #fef3f6 # Background color for "critical" notification popups. critical = rgba(255, 0, 50, 0.5) # Color for the text (summary, body and application name) in # "critical" notification popups. criticalColor = #FFF # Background color for "critical" notifications in notification # center. criticalInCenter = rgba(155, 0, 20, 0.5) # Color for the text (summary, body and application name) in # "critical" notification in notification center. criticalInCenterColor = #FFF # Global text colr labelColor = #eae2e0 ### These button configurations are applied globaly (except they ### get overwritten in the [buttons] section. The buttons section ### only applies to the configurable buttons within the notification ### center, while these configs also apply to the buttons within ### notifications.) # Color for the text in the buttons. buttonColor = #eae2e0 # Background color of button in hover state (mouse over) buttonHover = rgba(0, 20, 20, 0.2) # Text color of button in hover state (mouse over) buttonHoverColor = #fee # Background color of button buttonBackground = transparent [buttons] ### This section describes the configurable buttons within the ### notification center and NOT the buttons that appear in the ### notifications # Note: If you want your buttons in the notification center to be # squares you should verify that the following equality holds: # [notification-center]::width # == [buttons]::buttonsPerRow * [buttons]::buttonHeight # + ([buttons]::buttonsPerRow + 1) * [buttons]::buttonMargin # Numbers of buttons that can be drawn on a row of the notification # center. buttonsPerRow = 5 # Height of buttons in the notification center (in pixels). buttonHeight = 60 # Horizontal and vertical margin between each button in the # notification center (in pixels). buttonMargin = 2 # Labels written on the buttons in the notification center. Labels # should be written between quotes and separated by a colon. For # example: # labels = "VPN":"Bluetooth":"Wifi":"Screensaver" # Each label is represented as a clickable button in the notification # center. The commands variable below define the commands that should # be launched when the user clicks on the associated button. There # should be the same number of entries in `commands` and in `labels` # commands = "sudo vpnToggle":"bluetoothToggle":"wifiToggle":"screensaverToggle" # Color of the labels of the custom buttons in the notification # center. buttonColor = #fee # Color of the custom buttons' background in the notification center. buttonBackground = rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) # Color of the custom buttons' background in the notification center # when hovered. buttonHover = rgba(0, 20, 20, 0.2) # Color of the labels of the custom buttons in the notification center # when hovered. buttonHoverColor = #fee # Text size of the custom buttons in the notification center. buttonTextSize = 12px; # Color of the custom buttons' background in the notification center # when its state is set to true as described in the Section Usage buttonState1 = rgba(255,255,255,0.5) # Color of the custom buttons' text in the notification center # when its state is set to true as described in the Section Usage buttonState1Color = #fff # Color of the custom buttons' background, hovering, in the # notification center when its state is set to true as described in # the Section Usage buttonState1Hover = rgba(0, 20, 20, 0.4) # Color of the custom buttons' text, hovering, in the # notification center when its state is set to true as described in # the Section Usage buttonState1HoverColor = #fee # Color of the custom buttons' background, in the notification center # when the button is clicked and not yet set to a new value via the # method as described in Section Usage buttonState2 = rgba(255,255,255,0.3) # Color of the custom buttons' text, in the notification center # when the button is clicked and not yet set to a new value via the # method as described in Section Usage buttonState2Color = #fff # Color of the custom buttons' background, # hovering, in the notification center when the button is clicked and # not yet set to a new value via the method as described in Section # Usage buttonState2Hover = rgba(0, 20, 20, 0.3) # Color of the custom buttons' text, hovering, in the notification # center when the button is clicked and not yet set to a new value via # the method as described in Section Usage buttonState2HoverColor = #fee